South Korea Adventures: Preview

I’m SO sorry I haven’t posted anything here in a while. My extended vacation in Korea is proving to be more exhausting than I had originally thought it would be, which of course isn’t always necessarily a bad thing. In addition, some of the places that I have ventured to have been WiFi-scarce and while my camera fills up with pictures, I haven’t had much time to edit and upload them.

Some of them have been slowly put up on my Instagram (with far too many book quotes, darn lack of wifi), but for this blog, I’ve decided to post them in somewhat of an order when I get back home (in exactly 2 weeks!!).

Time zones are odd. In the time that I ate lunch and dinner, my friends in the U.S. have slept a full night. They’re almost making me nocturnal and diurnal, the things I have to do during the EST day. Right now, I’m staying up until 11 AM EST (midnight KST) for a problem solving session with my lab members, so I though I might as well do some productive procrastinating.

Here are a few shots I’ve had the chance to tinker with. Hope you enjoy!







6 thoughts on “South Korea Adventures: Preview

    1. 안녕하세요! 저는 한국 사람입니다, 하지만 너무 오랫동안 미국에서 살았서, 죄송하지만 한글을 잘 못서요. 카맨트 해주서 감사합니다!


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