In Which I Blab About The State Of My Inexistent Writing

Of course, as soon as the chaos of packing and beginning to move out again comes around, my mind starts to drift off from the looming school year coming to other, completely unrelated things. Right now, it’s fictional writing. I dabbled (if you could even call it that) in middle school and high school, which prompts my parents to say, even to this day, to drop out of engineering and write a novel. This would be a fantastic plan, if not for the fact that I can never seem to bring myself to sit down and write even a paragraph of anything other than a storyline. I have all of these ideas floating around that barely make it onto paper (or the screen) before I crumple them up out of frustration. Blogging was one way I tried to conquer this, but now I see that writing about my life and writing about someone else’s is so different.

Anyways, my South Korea pictures are still in the works, so here’s some big dollops of inspiration I’ve found through Pinterest and such that are helping me get through the creative process. Enjoy!





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